Monday, March 4, 2013

Sixth Graders in India Have Done More for the World Than I EVER Will

These videos always make me depressed because it just reminds me that some child in Bangladesh had an idea and now he has had a more profound affect on the world than I ever will. Big data is making everyone and everything in the world more connected, which is a good thing because as this video shows, with an rapidly growing population, comes a lot of people who are really bored and want to make a video. So some people put GPS trackers on pizza delivery bicyclists and watched them. Some other people actually had good ideas and were able to do many things from reducing medical costs to putting a small village on the map. Big data is making it easier and easier for people to make a difference without having to start a massive movement. In the age of connectivity, an idea doesn't just have to be an idea anymore, it can quickly turn into something tangible.


  1. First of all, I have to tell you that your titles are always great. But I also like your point where you said "big data is making it easier and easier for people to make a difference without having to start a massive movement." It's so true. We have it so easy now a days with all of the technology we have access to. Great job!

  2. I completely agree with your statement on how ideas quickly turn into something tangible. I also agree that big data has made interactions with other places in the world an effortless endeavor.
